Friday, January 4, 2008

Wrevelation 19:11-18: Ode II RedDeer Zhivago Olive Tree

Pt 1.
Ode 2
RedDeer Zhivago Olive Tree

It’s the (Spiked Oink-Oink Yum-Yum) Economy – Stewpyd!!
McCullough v. Maryland (1819): Chief Justice Marshall
Uncovering the Truth: Dir. Of Intel: Mike McConnell
Trust in Gov., Pork Barrel Politics, Iraq & the Middle East
The Peak Oil Crisis: Storm of the Century, Tom Whipple
Humanity is the Greatest Challenge, BBC

“I will do nothing for YOU that you will not do for yourself. The world is in the condition it is in because of YOU, and the choices YOU have made – or failed to make. Not to decide is to decide. The Earth is in the shape it’s in because of YOU, and the choices YOU have made – or failed to make. YOUR own life is the way it is because of YOU, and the choices YOU have made – or failed to make…. YOU are ALL at root cause for the conditions which exist which create in the terrorist the desire, or the perceived need, to practice terrorism. YOU have all created the consciousness which makes terrorism possible. It is when YOU see in YOURSELF that which caused the crime, that YOU begin, at last, to HEAL the condition from which it sprang.
~ Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch ~



McCullough v. Maryland (1819)

Has Congress power to incorporate a Bank?... The bill for incorporating the bank of the United States did not steal upon an unsuspecting legislature, and pass unobserved. Its principle was completely understood, and was opposed with equal zeal and ability. After being resisted, first in the fair and open field of debate, and afterwards in the executive cabinet, with as much persevering talent as any measure has ever experienced and being supported by arguments which convinced minds as pure and as intelligent as this country can boast, it became law. The original act was permitted to expire, but a short experience of the embarrassments to which the refusal to revive it exposed the government, convinced those who were most prejudiced against the measure of its ‘necessity’ and induced the passage of the present law….

… In considering this question, then, we must never forget that it is a CONSTITUTION we are expounding….

…. The power of creating a corporation, though appertaining to sovereignty, is not, like the power of making war, … a substantive and independent power, which cannot be implied as incidental to other powers, or used as a means of executing them……

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Amend the U.S. Constitution to clarify that a corporation is not a person and does not have all the legal rights of a person. Also, any corporation that clearly and persistently violates laws should be routinely relieved of its corporate charter by the state that granted it. All this is necessary to make clear that a corporation is given its incorporation to be a servant of the people, not an underhanded dictator of the whole society. Fining and or jailing the officers of a corporation that violates the law, rather than fining the corporation itself.

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The power of creating a corporation is never used for its own sake, but for the purpose of effecting something else…

….. The word ‘necessary’ is considered as controlling the whole sentence, and as limiting the right to pass laws for the execution of granted powers, to such as are indispensable, and without which the power would be nugatory. …

Is it true that this is the sense in which the word ‘necessary’ is always used? Does it always import an absolute physical necessity, so strong that one thing, to which another may be termed necessary, cannot exist without that other? We think it does not.

…. This great principle is, that the constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof are supreme; that they cannot control the constitution and laws of the respective states, and cannot be controlled by them. From this, which may be almost termed an axiom, other propositions are decided as corollaries, on the truth or error of which, and on their applications to this case, the cause has been supposed to depend.
These are, 1st. that a power to create implies a power to preserve.

2d That a power to destroy, if wielded by a different hand, is hostile to, and incompatible with these powers to create and to preserve.

3d. That where this repugnancy exists, that authority which is supreme must control, not yield to that over which it is supreme…

…. This opinion does not deprive the states of any resources which they originally possessed….
[Chief Justice Marshall, McCullough v. Maryland (1819): The national government is supreme within its sphere of authority and has a wide choice of means to implement its constitutional powers.]

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"Today, we face some of the greatest threats that any generation will ever know, and we must not be slow in confronting them. We must continue to emphasize integration across the Community to better serve our customers, provide frank, unencumbered analysis, and strengthen collection capabilities that continue to penetrate the seemingly impenetrable."~ Mike McConnell ~
~ Director of National Intelligence ~
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From: ‘Enemy of the State’:
What do we really want?

Do we want an Iraq disaster that we can blame on the perfidious nature of the other party?

Do we want the oil?

Do we want permanent bases in the country?

Do we want to maintain a domestic war footing so that we can continue to feed the military-industrial-security complex back home?

Do we want to keep the residents of that part of the world riled up, so that we can play the fear-of-terrorism card for domestic political purposes?

[Ed: And horror of horrors: Do we know what we want?]

Until we confront these issues, and answer the questions we can’t remotely begin to try to find a responsible exit strategy.

I don’t think any of the major candidates wants to see the acrimony that this debate is going to entail.

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The peak oil crisis: storm of the century
by Tom Whipple, Falls Church News-Press.

A “Perfect storm” refers to the simultaneous occurrence of events which, taken individually, would be far less powerful than the result of their chance combination. Such occurrences are rare by their very nature.-- Wikipedia

In recent weeks we have been bombarded with reports of perturbations in the mortgage/liquidity crisis that is creating havoc in the financial world.The travails of the “financial industry”, as it is called these days, are affecting oil prices at least as much as the normal forces of supply and demand.

Commentary on what is about to befall us is becoming scarier with each passing day. Learned professors are writing in the New York Times that our financial system is in danger of coming unglued. The general thesis is that America’s financial institutions are only capitalized at $1.1 trillion yet they are supporting $11 trillion worth of mortgages. Home prices are going to have to fall by 30-50 percent before most people can afford to buy homes again. When this drop in housing value is over, some 20 million homes will be mortgaged for far more than they are worth and a fair portion is likely to be abandoned. Some think the banking system is in for some very hard times. Others have dubbed the burgeoning financial crisis “peak money.”But there is more: global warming seems to be causing unprecedented droughts and glacial melting which in turn are leading to lower food production and empty reservoirs and a substantial drop in hydro-electric production around the world.Welcome to “peak climate,” “peak food,” “peak water,” “peak electricity,” or as some people are putting it, “peak everything.”

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We humans face two problems of desperate importance.
The first is our global ecological plight.
The second is our difficulty acknowledging the first.Despite increasing climate change coverage, environmental writers remain reluctant to discuss the full scope and severity of the global dilemma we've created. Many fear sounding alarmist, but there is an alarm to sound and the time for reticence is over.We've outgrown the planet and need radical action to avert unspeakable consequences. This - by a huge margin - has become humanity's greatest challenge.If we've altered the climate, it should come as no surprise that we have damaged other natural systems. From deforestation to collapsing fisheries, desertification, the global spread of chemical toxins, ocean dead zones, and the death of coral reefs, an array of interrelated declines is evidence of the breadth of our impact.Add the depletion of finite resources such as oil and ground-water, and the whole of the challenge upon us emerges. ... Scientists point to the population-environment link. But today's environmentalists avoid the subject more than any other ecological truth. Their motives range from the political to a misunderstanding of the issue.

Neither justifies hiding the truth because total resource use is the product of population size and per capita consumption. We have no chance of solving our environmental predicament without reducing both factors in the equation.Fortunately, expert consensus tells us we can address population humanely by solving the social problems that fuel it.
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