Saturday, December 29, 2007

Devil's Tone - Psycho-Terrorism & Psychotronic Warfare

Czarina Issabella Arnold
'Excuse Me, Mr. Minister'
'The Importance of Saving Face'
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"There comes a time when even speech loses its constitutional immunity. Speech innocuous one year may at another time fan such destructive flames that it must be halted in the interests of the safety of the 'Republic' (sic).

That is the meaning of the clear and present danger test.

When conditions are so critical that there will be no time to avoid the evil that the speech threatens, it is time to call a halt. Otherwise, free speech, which is the strength of the Nation will be the cause of its destruction.

Yet free speech is the rule, not the exception. The restraint to be constitutional must be based on more than fear, on more than passionate opposition against the speech, on more than a revolted dislike for its contents. There must be some immediate injury to society that is likely if speech is allowed.

[Justice Douglas, Dennis v. United States (1951): 'When a nation is at war many things that might be said in time of peace... will not be endured so long as men fight."]


During a recent ecumenical gathering a secretary rushed in shouting. "The building is on fire!"
The methodists hurriedly gathered in a corner and prayed.
The Baptists cried, 'Where's the water?"
The Quakers quietly praised God for the blessings that fire brings.
The Lutherans posted a notice on the door declaring the fire was evil.
The Roman Catholics passed a plate to cover the damage.
The Jews posted symbols on the doors hoping the fire would pass.
The Congregationalists shouted, "Every man for himself!"
The 'Muslim' Fundamentalists proclaimed "It's the vengeance of God!"
The 'Christian' Fundamentalists demanded the Prayer Remote, to change the news channel to 24 hour sport.
The Episcopalians formed a procession and marched out.
The Christian Scientists concluded that there was no fire.
The Presbyterians appointed a chairperson who was to appoint a committee to look into the matter and submit a written report.
The Secretary grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the fire.

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Brief Excerpt from
by Dr. Leonard. G. Horowitz.

Denver Airport Mural, inaugurated 19 March 1995


Other energy weapons seem to depend on similar electromagnetic grid technologies including those capable of creating physical symptoms like seasickness. Others produce signals that can be used to resonate the inner organs to cause pain and spasms. Additional weapons can induce epileptic-like seizures, cause cardiac arrest, prevent sleep, override voluntary muscle movements, or damage the brain.

Russian writer N. Anisimov of the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic Center coined the term "psycho-terrorism". According to Anisimov, psychotronic weapons are those that act to "take away a part of the information which is stored in a man's brain." That has merits for those who seek "horizontal control" over large populations. These weapons can also be used to induce hallucinations, mental sickness, 'zombification', genetic mutations (accelerate immune related diseases), and even death.

Included in the battery of energy devices are VHG generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and radio waves. Russian Army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that psychotronic weapons are under development all over the globe. Specific types of weapons noted by Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were:

A psychotronic generater which produced powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes and incandescent lamps.

An autonomous generator, a device that operates in the 10-150 Hertz band, which at the 10-20 Hertz band forms an infrasonic oscillation that is destructive to all living creatures.

A nervous system generator designed to paralyze the central nervous system of insects, which could have the same applicability in humans.

Ultrasonic emanations which one institute claimed to have developed. Devices using ultrasound emanations are supposedly capable of carrying out bloodless internal operations without leaving a mark of the skin. They can also, according to Chernishev, be used to kill.

Noiseless cassettes. Chernishev claimed that the Japanese have developed the ability to place infra-low frequency voice patterns over music, patterns that are detected by the subconscious. Russians claim to be using similar 'bombardments' with computer programming to treat alcoholism and smoking.

In 1991, during the course of her research, Dr. Janet Morris, co-author of Warriors Edge, was given a tour of the Russian Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy. Here she was shown a method whereby researchers monitored human minds, and then using infrasound -- very low frequency transmissions -- messages were transmitted subliminally to individuals brains.

The Russian research also vigorously explored the military possibilities of ESP, including reading human thoughts, influencing objects at a distance, moving objects with the mind, or directly interfering with the thoughts of other people.

The Russians are not alone. The U.S. has also followed this research path. For example, the issue of acoustic manipulation of the human brain by radio frequency radiation (RFR) was summarized in June 1996, in a document entitled "Human Exposure to Radio-frequency Radiation: A Review Pertinent to Air Force Operations (Al/OE-TR-1996-0035)."

The Air Force Materiel Command located at Brooks Air Force Base, in Texas, prepared this document. Their report summarised a number of the studies on the effect of RFR for military applications. This information built on earlier efforts by the military in RFR research, specifically calling for weapons research in this area. An earlier work prepared to advance this research was put together by the same organisation. This was titled the Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook, issued by United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks Air Force Base in Texas. It was published in October 1986. This publication provided an index to research and a summary of findings into the specific radio frequency effects observed on the various parts of the human body.

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